Главная фото / Альбом "5p4c3" / 2024.11.10_Mars-Express_Andrea-Luck
full size 19800x7145 on
Raw data: ESA/DLR/FUBerlin
Image created using data processed from: psa.esa.int
Mission: ESA Mars Express
North is approx on the top left
Olympus Mons on the limb
Orbit: 25919
Instrument: HRSC
Time: 2024-07-13T11:44:45.616Z
Filters: ND3+GR3+BL3
Product IDs:
HP919_0000_ND3 - Used as Red
HP919_0000_GR3 - Used as Green
HP919_0000_BL3 - Used as Blue
Notes: Phobos is stitched from the 3 filters in its natural position based on the blue filter, as it moved during the exposures. The original image has been undistorted and enlarged to create a more natural appearance.
Image Processing: AndreaLuck CC BY
Raw data: ESA/DLR/FUBerlin
Also featured as APOD: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240909.html
Feel free to share, giving the appropriate credit and providing a link to the original image or tweet creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0
Raw data: ESA/DLR/FUBerlin
Image created using data processed from: psa.esa.int
Mission: ESA Mars Express
North is approx on the top left
Olympus Mons on the limb
Orbit: 25919
Instrument: HRSC
Time: 2024-07-13T11:44:45.616Z
Filters: ND3+GR3+BL3
Product IDs:
HP919_0000_ND3 - Used as Red
HP919_0000_GR3 - Used as Green
HP919_0000_BL3 - Used as Blue
Notes: Phobos is stitched from the 3 filters in its natural position based on the blue filter, as it moved during the exposures. The original image has been undistorted and enlarged to create a more natural appearance.
Image Processing: AndreaLuck CC BY
Raw data: ESA/DLR/FUBerlin
Also featured as APOD: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240909.html
Feel free to share, giving the appropriate credit and providing a link to the original image or tweet creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0
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Метки: Марс mars-express hrsc animated space